Happy Halloween-A Celebration for All
The celebration of Halloween might have mysterious and supernatural concepts related to it as a custom but it sure is great fun. Many relate Halloween or “All Hallows Eve” to strange stories about scary characters entwined with the concepts of evil. It lets us transform such frightening creatures or individuals into entertainment. Thus allowing us at a young age to be able to not fear such objects, individuals or creatures.
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There are variations in the way we celebrate Halloween as we get older. When we are first introduced to Halloween we are in our infant to toddler stage and our parents help us choose ourselves a costume of a character or person that we would like represent. This being more common for costumes of superheroes, certain historically significant individuals or even social symbols. Examples of superheroes include Superman, Ironman, Spiderman and Wonder Woman among countless others . Historical figures can be Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Martin Luther King and many others. Some even dress up like “Uncle Sam”. In most cases the outfit that suits the occasion is of the scary super natural kind. Examples include goblins, witches, demons, the devil, or even the boogie man. Some kids like to dress up as little angels or princess’s.
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Many of us love celebrating Halloween and plan out the most elaborate pranks in order to scare others. Some design their houses to look like they are haunted, others put a lot of time and effort in creating the scariest costumes like those of Count Dracula the vampire or the Frankenstein monster. We go to great lengths to enjoy and celebrate this pagan ritual that has its descent from historic traditions in Great Britain. Over the years many stories have been included in the tradition of Halloween like the legend of the Salem where they say women were learned witchcraft.
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The most enjoyable age of celebrating Halloween has to be of children as they get to go trick or treating with all their friends. They visit each home in their neighborhood dressed in all kinds of costumes and are given chocolates as well as candy of different kinds from each. We all know that children love chocolates and candy. This is among the few events when they get to gather as much as they can to eat to their hearts delight.
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Halloween celebrations for teenagers and young adults is rounded into a party where everyone dresses in various costumes, enjoys drinking, dancing and later on romancing. In this age bracket although the men dress up in creative and supernatural outfits the girls have a different idea. Since such young adults are interested in interacting in the romantic sense, this is the time of the year when girls have the opportunity to dress in as sexy as an outfit they like without any objections. However all is done with the intention of celebrating the occasion.
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Adults normally go to costume parties or to Masquerade Balls. A costume party is when everyone dresses up, drinks, dances and enjoys a nice dinner with their friends. While at a Masquerade Balls all attendees where masks and have fun drinking and ball room dancing all night.
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All in all this occasion might be celebrated by different age groups differently, but it is a joyful event in which the super natural or the unexplainable is celebrated. It is a happy occasion in which everyone tunes into their imagination and creativity. It also happens to be the time when candy and chocolate companies make record profits selling all their tasty delights. This is one of the reasons why kids love Halloween. verncarverbeard.com offers special Halloween Discount Codes for costumes, chocolates and candies.